Want to renew your membership? Please click here

As a member you will:

  • keep up to date with our weekly eNews email population newsletter
  • link up with your local branch
  • participate in the members-only online discussion forum

Complete the form below. Or mail this printable version to us with payment.

You can pay online by credit or debit card,  through safe and secure Eway.

Second Membership A second person at the same address can join as Concession.

Auto Renew Tick the box to have your Membership paid automatically each anniversary. You can cancel at any time.

Donation To make a tax-deductible donation visit our donation page.


Sign up here for membership

Total Amount
Personal Details
Billing Name and Address
Membership Details
I have read and agree with the Aims & Objectives of SPA and wish to become a member.
What would be your closest branch? (Branch meetings are generally held in the capital cities, but we welcome the formation of regional branches.)
Yes I would like to sign up to PopForum, SPA’s members-only online discussion forum.
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