13 January 2012

A public seminar – Nicole Foss, a mentor for turbulent times

On the most important issues of our time


23 February 2012

Hawke Centre

University of South Australia, West Campus

Doors open 4pm, Seminar starts 4.30pm, Q & A 5.50pm, Finish 6.30pm /


See the attached brochure for more details: Nicole Foss Brochure


Are you puzzled, concerned, even frightened, over the worsening economic situation? Where will it go next, why doesn’t conventional economic ‘wisdom’ provide solutions?  Where might solutions be found?


Nicole Foss will show that conventional economic growth is a Ponzi scheme inescapably prone to boomand bust cycles. In past cycles material resource supply was large compared with human demand. She will show that in this round of the cycle the attempt to get growth going again has come up against the constraints of the real bio/geophysical world. The usual energy sources are becoming scarce and more expensive. Given the close relationship between the flow of money and the flow of material resources, especially energy a very different economic model has now become necessary; one based firmly on an acceptance of Nature’s constraints. She will show that a return to business as usual (BAU) is not possible, that the attempts being made by governments across the globe to reinstate BAU are not only failing, they are impeding the inevitable transition to this new economy.


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