Our efforts will extend far into the future. Through a bequest to SPA, yours can too.

An increasing number of Australians, including those with modest estates, are extending their commitment to important causes they have supported during their lifetime by leaving money to those causes in their wills.

If you, along with others, make provision for SPA in your will, this will help ensure that SPA will be an independent, viable and effective organisation into the future. Arranging this need not be difficult. Even if you have already made a will, you can use a codicil to add SPA to your existing beneficiaries.

This web article provides some general guidance. Your solicitor, a trustee company, or some banks can give you detailed advice on how best to express your wishes. Please consider supporting SPA’s work in this way. Should you wish, SPA will be pleased to express its gratitude by publishing your name on a list of benefactors.

Ways of making a bequest

There are several ways of making a bequest to SPA, while still making full provision for other people and groups who are important to you. One is to leave a specific legacy to SPA. Another is to leave a percentage of your total estate (e.g. 5 per cent) to SPA. Or you may wish to leave SPA all, or a proportion (e.g. one tenth), of the residue of your estate after provision for your family and friends. If just ten people were each to leave SPA $10,000 that would provide $100,000. If 100 people did so, SPA would have capital of $1 million. Of course any smaller amount would be equally acceptable.

Suggested wording

Here is an example of possible wording:

I give and bequeath to Sustainable Population Australia Incorporated ABN 28 399 654 270 of SPA Inc. PO Box 85 DEAKIN WEST, ACT 2600, email: treasurer@population.org.au, the sum of $………

I direct that the written receipt of the Treasurer or other property officer shall be sufficient discharge thereof for my executor.

You may wish to include in your will (or codicil) a brief explanation, in your own words of why you are making provision for SPA. This is not a legal requirement, but it will be helpful to let your family and other beneficiaries know why you believe SPA’s work is important – to you and to their future.

Sustainable Population Australia Inc.

PO Box 85, Deakin West, ACT 2600
Phone 0434 962 305



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