Sustainable Population Australia is delighted and very honoured to have the following eminent Australians as patrons:

Prof. Anne Poelina

Professor Anne Poelina is a Nyikina Warrwa woman from the Kimberley region of Western Australia. She is an active community leader, human and earth rights advocate, film maker and respected academic researcher, with a second Doctor of Philosophy (First Law) titled, ‘Martuwarra First Law Multi-Species Justice Declaration of Interdependence: Wellbeing of Land, Living Waters, and Indigenous Australian People’ (Nulungu Institute of Research, University of Notre Dame, Broome, Western Australia). More…

The Hon. Bob Carr

The former Premier of New South Wales, former Federal Senator and former Foreign Minister, Mr Carr has written extensively on population growth, and is noted for his achievements in nature conservation. He is known in particular for debunking the myth that population growth can be ‘solved’ with infrastructure. More…

Dr Paul Collins

Born in Melbourne, Australia, in March 1940, Paul Collins is an historian, broadcaster, and writer. In March 2001 he resigned from the active priestly ministry of the Catholic Church due to a dispute with the Vatican’s Congregation for the doctrine of the Faith over his book Papal Power. More…


Dr Katharine Betts

Katharine Betts is vice-president of The Australian Population Research Institute More…

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Prof Tim Flannery

Professor Tim Flannery is one of Australia’s best-known scientists as well as being one of our best-selling writers. His views are often provocative, both intellectually and socially. More…

Prof Ian Lowe

Ian Lowe is Emeritus Professor of Science, Technology and Society at Griffith University and an adjunct professor at two other universities. His principal research interests are in the broad area of policy decisions influencing use of science and technology. More…

In memoriam – John Coulter

John Richard Coulter (born 3 December 1930, dec. 6 September 2024) was a GP, then medical researcher for over 20 years, University lecturer before entering party political life as an Auustralian Democrat Senator for S.A. in 1987. More…

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