How YOU can make a difference:



Before coming to power, Anthony Albanese said that Australia needed a ‘mature debate’ on population.  Since coming to power, the government added half a million new people through net migration in 2023 – 2024, in the middle of a housing crisis and with no consultation from the Australian people.  The so called ‘migration reform package’ will still add another 250, 000 people every year, still higher than the disastrous pre-COVID decade.

The next twelve months are crunch time for Australia’s future.  It is time, once for all, that Australians stand up to our politicians, our media, and the big business lobby, and tell them, loudly and clearly, that Australians say NO to a Big Australia!   

NO MORE housing crisis.  NO MORE traffic congestion and degrading infrastructure, health care and education services.  NO MORE watching our natural environment get cut down and concreted over.

Poll after poll has shown that a clear majority of Australians do NOT want a Big Australia.  SPA is YOUR voice for a sustainable population future and the only charitable organisation brave enough to stand up for Australians on this critical issue.  However, we are David vs. the Goliath of big business vested interests, so we need YOU behind us to lobby for change over the next year.


What is our plan?



Sustainable Population Australia is currently gathering community support through signing our position statement on population.  We are engaging in a nation-wide online promotion campaign for the first half of this year, inspiring Australians to take action.  Once we have collated enough signatures to demonstrate, in no uncertain terms, that SPA has the backing of the Australian people, we will then lobby hard the politicians, media and big business community later this year.  Please see our ‘Say No to a Big Australia Campaign Page’ for more information. We hope that you will be inspired to join us on being on the right side of history.



What can you do now?



There are many ways you can join forces with SPA – right now – in saying No to a Big Australia.

  • Lobby your Federal Politicians now by sending them an email reminding them why the housing crisis is a population crisis. Our DoGooder letter campaign makes this easy,  by providing a pro forma letter and finding your representative federal MP for you.  All emails are also CCd to the Federal minister for Housing.  What makes this better than a regular email is that the DoGooder campaign keeps a tally of how many letters have been sent,  which helps us with our future lobbying efforts.
  • Sign our position statement on population (if you haven’t done already) and help us get the word out by distribution flyers.  More information can be found on our campaign page.
  • Donate to SPA.  Our awareness campaigns have been very effective, reaching millions of Australians.  However,  they are expensive to run,  especially if they are to compete against powerful and vested interested.  ANY donation,  big or small, helps.
  • Become a SPA Supporter and receive a weekly e-news and quarterly newsletter from us, as well as campaign updates.
  • Become a member. As a SPA member you can make a positive contribution to our organisation.   SPA members have voting rights at our AGM and are eligible for positions on the national and branch committees.  Getting involved in your local branch is a great way to meet like minded people and support the cause.
  • Support SPA on social media. SPA has a social media across four platforms, including XFacebook,  Instagram and LinkedIn.


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