Post-election our Prime Minister ironically promised he would burn for us every day. I’ve seen no sign of him burning: the continent seems to be doing it for him.While climate change related bushfires are front of mind for Australians at the moment, it is useful to reflect that the emissions contributing to climate change and these mega-fires were produced twenty years ago.Then, earth’s population was 6 billion, now it’s 7.7 billion.Science writer Julian Cribb wrote recently in The Guardian ‘On any day between 10,000 and 30,000 wildfires blaze around the planet’ and referred to a new age called the Pyrocene.The emissions of those extra 1.7 billion people will be firing us up in more ways than one in another twenty years. When will our so-called leaders join the dots?
Sandra Kanck – SPA national president
(This is an excerpt from the e-news that goes out twice monthly to SPA members and supporters. The e-news includes links to current affairs media, articles and opinion pieces relating to the issue of over population.To find out more about receiving our e-news, or how to support SPA in our efforts not to put an end to the endless growth paradigm on our fragile continent that can take no more, please click on the link below)