Federal election candidates will explain their position on Australia’s rapid population growth at SPA forum
Federal election candidates will explain their position on Australia’s rapid population growth at a free public forum on Saturday 27 April, to be held at Griffith University.
The forum is organised by the environmental advocacy group Sustainable Population Australia (SPA), in the interests of more open and informed debate about the impacts of population growth.
The forum also includes expert speakers on the topic, including ecologist Dr Hugh Possingham, Chief Scientist at The Nature Conservancy, and journalist Crispin Hull.
“Surveys show that many Australians perceive population growth as putting pressure on hospitals, housing, jobs, the environment, roads and schools,” said Dr Jane O’Sullivan, president of the local chapter of SPA.
“The surveys also show Australians perceive that the greatest beneficiaries of this population growth are property developers, big business and employers – rather than ordinary Australians.”
“It is important for our political leaders and political parties to explain how their policies will respond to these concerns.”
The forum will be from 1:30 to 5:00 pm at the The EcoCentre, Griffith University, Nathan Campus, building N68. Media and the public are welcome.
The title of the forum is: “Population, sustainability and quality of life: what future do we want for Australia?”
Confirmed speakers:
Dr Hugh Possingham, Ecologist and Chief Scientist at The Nature Conservancy.
Sue Arnold, Journalist and President of Australians for Animals NSW.
Steve McDonald, Town Planner & President of Redlands2030 citizen action group.
Dr Cameron Murray, Economist and Senate candidate for Sustainable Australia Party.
Crispin Hull, journalist and columnist for the Canberra Times.
Kelvin Thomson, former Federal Labor MP for the seat of Wills.
The forum will finish with a panel discussion with representatives of the LNP (Olivia Roberts, candidate for Griffith), the Greens (Charles Worringham, candidate for Moggill) and Sustainable Australia Party (Cameron Murray, Qld Senate candidate).
The event includes afternoon tea. For more details, including campus map, visit population.org.au or email qld@population.org.au
MEDIA CONTACT: Dr Jane O’Sullivan, Sustainable Population Australia
For more details, including campus map:
Population, sustainability and quality of life: what future do we want for Australia?