Representatives of the four major parties in the ACT election will lead a public discussion on the theme “Water and People: how much more can Canberra grow?” on Saturday.
The speakers will be Bill Wood MLA (Labor), Vicki Dunne MLA (Liberal), Roslyn Dundas MLA (Australian Democrats) and Charlie Pahlman (Greens’ candidate for Molonglo). Questions and discussion will follow.
The meeting is being organised by the Canberra branch of Sustainable Population Australia. Giff Jones, President of the branch said today: “We’ve organised this public event because water is on everyone’s mind.”
“And there’s much more to it than the present drought and water restrictions,” Mr Jones said. “The impact of global warming in our region is expected to include a decline in rainfall averages. At the same time, further population growth is going to add to demand.
“We all need to be thinking hard, now, about the longer term and what needs to be done if today’s problem is not to become tomorrow’s catastrophe.”
The public forum will be held at Havelock House, 85 Northbourne Avenue, Turner, starting at 3.30pm. Public and press are invited to arrive early for afternoon tea.
Further information: Giff Jones 02 6286 1752