SEQ communities forced to accept growth (APR)
The Queensland Government and pro-growth local governments in SEQ are forcing
communities to accept population targets beyond the sustainability of the region and driving SEQ
from one crisis to another, say conservationists.
Overcrowded hospitals and schools, more and increasingly congested roads, lack of water,
loss of open space and bushland and a shortage of recreational areas are all symptoms of rapid
growth, and result in permanent losses of lifestyle and environment, yet Local Growth Management
Strategies, which are legal planning documents, are being used by State and local governments to
promote this rapid growth and development.
Mr Simon Baltais, President of Sustainable Population of Australia – SEQ Branch, said, “The
State Government and local governments of SEQ have been stating they cannot control SEQ’s
growth, yet quite clearly they are setting up the legal planning documents, such as the SEQ
Regional Plan and Local Growth Management Strategies to force communities to accept increased
growth. It is government in SEQ that is driving SEQ’s unsustainable growth.”
By way of example, as stated in the Gold Coast City Local Growth Management Strategy –
Preliminary Draft – January 2007, page 8, “South East Queensland’s population is projected to
increase by around 1.2 million people by the year 2026. The Local Growth Management Strategy
provides the linkage between the high-level urban development policies, targets and directions
established in the SEQ Regional Plan and the detailed planning scheme provisions which direct
growth and development at the local Gold Coast City Council area.”
Sustainable Population Australia are running a free public forum this Saturday (21st April)
from 3pm – 5pm at Indigiscapes (17 Runnymede Rd Capalaba) where the myths and lies
surrounding the need for endless growth will be dispelled and will show how some QLD local
governments have attempted to slow the growth.
At this forum SPA SEQ will be pushing for a halt on the progress of all Local Growth
Management Strategy Plans in SEQ and asking the State Government to allow communities to
direct government on what type and amount of growth they want via the polls of the next local
government election in early 2008, choosing to vote for those candidates who will support the
community’s ideas of what is a sustainable future.
“The State Government and pro-growth local councils are trying to convince SEQ residents
they have nothing to do with SEQ’s unsustainable growth and that all is fine. This approach will not
achieve a sustainable future for SEQ,” said Mr Baltais.
For more information about this important public meeting:
Simon Baltais, President, SPA-SEQ, Mb: 0412 075 334
Sustainable Population Australia – SEQ Branch, Box 199, Mudgeeraba Qld 4213