7 August 2020
SPA newsletter 140 – August 2020
In this newsletter you will find
- a front-page story about plummeting immigration in light of the Covid-19 pandemic;
- an opinion article by Club of Rome’s Dennis Meadows on the future degrowth of populations, resource use and energy;
- a response by Jane O’Sullivan to the recent Lancet study on global population projections;
- Crispin Hull on a positive outcome of the Black Death; Missy Thurston on the need to embrace women’s rights for the sake of sustainability;
- a summary of the report on global food security by the Commission for the Human Future;
- a book review of Julian Cribb’s “Food or War”; the 2020 Unsung Hero award;
- an obituary to a co-founder of SPA;
- a letter by Peter Green; a hymn by Paul Prentice; a new book of poems;
- as well as the branch and communication manager’s reports.
Happy reading!