You are invited to attend a screening of
Hooked on Growth
followed by discussion on how to move towards a sustainable steady state economy
Saturday, 22nd March 2014
1.00 p.m. – 5.00 p.m.
Mitchell Theatre
Sydney Mechanics’ School of Arts
Level 1, 280 Pitt St, Sydney
Cost: $5 unwaged, $10 waged, $20 passionate
1.00 – 1.15 p.m. Welcome and outline of afternoon
1.15 – 2.15 p.m. Screening of ‘Hooked On Growth’
2.15 – 2.45 p.m. Discussion stimulated by film over coffee / tea
2.45 – 3.30 p.m. Panelists
- Dr Haydn Washington, author of ‘Climate Change Denial: Heads in the Sand’ and Co-Director of CASSE NSW
- Dr Mark Diesendorf, author of ‘Sustainable Energy Solutions for Climate Change’
- Tom Halbert, Secretary, Transition Parramatta
- Dr Anna Schlunke, Co-Director of CASSE NSW
3.30 – 4.30 p.m. Discussion Groups to suggest strategies and actions
4.30 – 5.00 p.m. Report back and close
Book at TryBooking
Organised and presented by:
CASSE (Centre for the Advancement of the Steady State Economy) NSW
ParraCAN (Parramatta Climate Action Network)
Transition Parramatta (
SPA (Sustainable Population Australia) NSW (