Robyn Wood
Executive Committee, Co-opted Member
Robyn has been involved in the overpopulation issue since the 2014 state election in SA, after seeing the educational posters that SA’s Stop Population Growth Now political party posted along the main roads of Adelaide. She was especially influenced by the posters that highlighted how each new immigrant required $100k of infrastructure, and that we were running out of farmland and water. A former scientist in the pharmaceutical industry, she is now secretary of SPA SA/NT and helps run their Facebook page. She also helps run Friends of the Earth Adelaide. She was the lead person who coordinated the transition of the former SPA Facebook group to the now independent Sustainable Futures Australia, which is still thriving with people discussing overpopulation and the environment. She is keen to encourage SPA members to write to their MPs and Senators, and write letters to the editor. The majority of Australians don’t want more population growth and it’s time we were listened to