30 November 2021

SPA interviewed on Overpopulation Podcast

The Overpopulation Podcast is the world’s only dedicated podcast focusing on overpopulation run by the USA based ‘Population Balance’ (formerly World Population Balance).

For episode #69,  The Overpopulation Podcast interviewed our Communications Manager,  Michael Bayliss.

Michael Bayliss from Sustainable Population Australia shares his vision for a post-growth society that is rooted in a background in economics, on-the-ground town-planning advocacy, tangible conversations with stakeholders, indigenous consultation, experiential awareness, compassion, and love.

The episode can be listened to from this link here

Earlier this year,  the Overpopulation Podcast interviewed SPA’s Jane O’Sullivan.  Jane was invited to discuss SPA’s discussion paper ‘Silver Tsunami or Silver Lining’  which she authored.  Link here.

Michael was previously interviewed on the Overpopulation Podcast in mid 2020.  Link here

Population Balance are an amazing, collaborative organisation who have been very supportive of SPA.  Find out more about Population Balance here



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