Stephen Morris
South Australia and Northern Territory Branch President and Representative
Stephen is a Scottish born, industrial chemist with 30 years’ experience with petrochemical companies in Europe and Australia. Growing concerns with a degrading environments lead to his involvement with SPA. Although relatively new to SPA, Stephen’s scientific background and business experience has been a boon to our organisation, and has been the new SA/NT branch President and branch representative to the National Executive Committee since mid-2023
In addition to SPA, Stephen is a member and regular donor of Australian Conservation Foundations, the Climate Council and The Australia Institute. He has also contributed the John Muir Trust, dedicated to the conservation of, protection and restoration of the UK’s wild places, since 1989. Stephen is passionate about trying to better understand the reasons for our increasing environmental degradation and greater social inequality.
Stephen enjoys bushwalking and the outdoors which have been great interests since his teenage years. In Scotland, Stephen was a very keen “Munroe-bagger” and he has completed long-distance walks including the Tour de Mont Blanc.