Supplementary submission to the senate inquiry into Australia’s faunal extinction crisis
13 August 2019
Supplementary submission to the Senate inquiry into Australia’s faunal extinction crisis
“Sustainable Population Australia welcomes the opportunity to submit some supplementary material to the Senate inquiry into Australia’s faunal extinction crisis, in addition to our earlier submission dated 10/9/18.
The focus of this supplementary submission is on the causal dynamics (‘root causes’, or ‘key drivers’) of faunal extinction and species loss in Australia. The etiology of faunal extinctions is not listed as a specific term of reference for the inquiry, so it should best be considered as a ‘related matter’, as per the terms of reference. This appears to be the approach that the inquiry has already taken, by including a section on ‘key drivers of faunal extinction’ in chapter 2 of the Interim Report.”
The entire submission can be downloaded below