SPA’s Dr Jane O’Sullivan was the 04th speaker at World Population Day Presentation and Panel Discussion – What is a sustainable population? Why, when and what should we do about it?
This was an online event organised by Scientists Warning Europe, with speakers including Dr Bill Rees, Prof Phoebe Barnard and Dr Christopher Tucker. This was a high level discussion involving top scientists discussing what is a ‘scientifically defensible, sustainable human population size for the long term’ as called for in the World Scientists Warning to Humanity – A Second Notice issued in 2017 by over 15,000 scientists.
Jane’s talk focused on the consequences that follow the failure of organisations such as the UN to be proactive on the issue of overpopulation. Her talk also dispels several myths in regards to overpopulation.
A media release, provided by Scientists Warning Europe is provided below in PDF format, in addition to the YouTube recording of Jane’s presentation.