4 July 2023

Katharine Betts presents TAPRI report on voter views on immigration at SPA AGM 2023

Dr. Katharine Betts, Patron of SPA, was a guest speaker at the 2023 National SPA AGM, hosted by the Victoria and Tasmania Branch in Melbourne. She presented the latest  report on voter views on Labor’s immigration policies from The Australian Population Research Institute (TAPRI).

Dr. Betts is a demographer and researcher based in Australia. She is a former professor at Swinburne University of Technology and is known for her research on immigration, population growth, and related policy issues. Dr. Betts is also a member of the board of directors of the Australian Population Research Institute and has authored several books on these topics.


More information on the latest TAPRI research to which this video refers can be read here.
Read more about SPA’s patrons here.

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