Media Releases
MR: human population growth threatens other species with extinction
Growing human populations crowd out other species, threatening many with extinction, according to Sustainable Population Australia (SPA). The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has listed 96 animal species as critically endangered in Australia alone. Endangered mammals include the brush-tailed bettong, mountain pygmy possum and northern hairy-nosed wombat. Critically endangered birds include the Christmas …
MR: Human Population Growth Threatens Other Species With Extinction Read More »
Burke must not forget population
Sustainable Population Australia (SPA) has expressed concern that Population has been dropped as a portfolio in the Rudd Cabinet but also says it is unlikely to make a great deal of difference. Minister Tony Burke who held the portfolio of population in the Gillard Government is now Minister for Immigration, Multicultural Affairs, Citizenship and the Arts. …
MR: it’s not just foodprint; it’s number of feet
Sustainable Population Australia (SPA) supports this year’s World Environment Day antifood waste and food loss campaign that encourages people to reduce their food footprint, or ‘foodprint’. SPA maintains, however, that while reducing food waste is essential, future food security also depends on a rapid end to population growth. SPA National President, Ms Jenny Goldie, says …
MR: It’s Not Just Foodprint; It’s Number of Feet Read More »
MR: leave enough water for other species
Humans are appropriating too much water for their own needs and not leaving enough for the survival of other species, according to Sustainable Population Australia (SPA). SPA National President, Ms Jenny Goldie, says that water is essential for all life, not just for humans. “The more water that is taken from rivers and aquifers to …
MR: baby bonus cut very welcome
Sustainable Population Australia (SPA) today wholeheartedly welcomed the Budget decision by the Federal Government to abolish the baby bonus from March 2014. Instead eligible families will receive increased family payments (Family Tax Benefit Schedule A) when they have a new baby. SPA National President, Ms Jenny Goldie, says introduction of the baby bonus by the …
MR: decision to delay foreign aid increases short sighted
The decision by the Federal Government to delay increases in foreign aid is short-sighted, according to Sustainable Population Australia (SPA). SPA says it is particularly perverse as a response to the costs of housing asylum seekers as it is only likely to increase the flow of refugees. SPA National President, Ms Jenny Goldie, says poverty …
MR: Decision to Delay Foreign Aid Increases Short Sighted Read More »
MR: 23 million milestone nothing to celebrate
The arrival of Australia’s 23 millionth person tomorrow is no cause for celebration, according to Sustainable Population Australia (SPA). National President of SPA, Ms Jenny Goldie, noted that in 1994 the Australian Academy of Science had said: ‘In our view, the quality of all aspects of our children’s lives will be maximized if the population …
MR: population growth rate soars to unsustainable 1.7 per cent
The steady increase in Australia’s population growth rate over the past year from 1.4 to.1.5 to 1.6 and now 1.7 per cent is unsustainable and unacceptable, according to Sustainable Population Australia Inc. (SPA). In the latest figures released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) today, the estimated resident population of Australia at 30 September …
MR: Population Growth Rate Soars to Unsustainable 1.7 per Cent Read More »
MR: Rudd plays into hands of development lobby
By agreeing to be keynote speaker at the National Conference of the Urban Development Institute of Australia (UDIA) tomorrow, Kevin Rudd is playing into the hands of the development lobby, according to Sustainable Population Australia Inc (SPA). Rudd will be speaking on ‘Population Growth for a Stronger Economy’ at the UDIA conference in Melbourne. SPA National …
MR: immigration minister right to tighten temporary worker program
The new Minister for Immigration, Brendan O’Connor, has made an excellent start in his portfolio by tightening the temporary workers’ program and thereby protecting Australian workers, according to Sustainable Population Australia Inc. (SPA). The temporary worker program, whereby foreign workers come in on 457 visas, was set up to fill skill gaps in Australian businesses …
MR: Immigration Minister Right to Tighten Temporary Worker Program Read More »