16 August 2021

Let’s rethink Big Australia

“The pandemic has put a pause on population growth due to border closures. BIG business is putting pressure on our political leaders for a post-pandemic population boom.

Don’t let the developers decide our future and return us to a BIG Australia. NOW is the time to rethink a big Australia. Let’s choose a sustainable future instead.”

SPA has produced a short video pushing back against big Australia,  and has launched our latest social media campaign,  inviting the wider community to join forces with SPA at a crucial time in Australia’s history.

At this moment,  COVID has put a pause on population growth, mainly through the closure of international borders.  SPA has successfully debunked the myths of the ‘ageing crisis’ myth,  and now we are showing Australia’s economy does not rely on endless population growth in order to provide jobs, housing,  infrastructure, and social services.

Market Economics managing director Stephen Koukoulas says:  “Importing low-wage labour obviously depresses local wages growth and the current closed borders show that perfectly,” (1).  We agree!

We invite all our supporters to share this video and enocurage people to visit the landing page to find out more.

The video can be seen and shared on YouTube


(1). https://www.smh.com.au/politics/federal/experts-split-on-whether-boosting-migration-helps-or-hinders-economy-20210805-p58g2f.html?fbclid=IwAR20lTZGeS7vW3EjV3oUgN2PuoDglVupeCmyqgiHMLHelzfxv7y0tYqcFs4



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