Media Releases
Promised immigration cuts welcome but not nearly enough
National President Ms Sandra Kanck says immigration should be cut by at least half, not by a mere 30,000. The current permanent intake is 190,000 though those numbers are swollen by the humanitarian intake, those on temporary visas and by New Zealanders. “In the year to March 2018, Australia’s population grew by 380,700, of which …
Promised Immigration Cuts Welcome but Not Nearly Enough Read More »
SPA takes on liz allen, Australia’s extinction crisis, and revamps our popforum
President message: e-news, Oct 012018 SPA’s activism on your behalf continues with our submission to the Senate Environment Committee’s inquiry into ‘Australia’s Faunal Extinction Crisis’. You can read it here: In April communication within SPA’s Yahoo groups became all but impossible, and as a consequence 80 or so members who are part of PopForum …
SPA Takes On Liz Allen, Australia’s Extinction Crisis, and Revamps Our PopForum Read More »
The great regionalisation distraction
The Great Regionalisation Distraction: Sending migrants to the regions no solution to population growth, says SPA Sending new migrants to the regions, as the new Population Minister, Alan Tudge, suggests is just ‘tinkering around the edges’ in dealing with Australia’s population growth problems, according to Sustainable Population Australia (SPA). SPA national president Sandra …
Base immigration on numbers – not race or culture!
Immigration policy should be based on numbers, not race, ethnicity or religion, according to Sustainable Population Australia (SPA). SPA rejected the anti-Muslim sentiments of Senator Fraser Anning delivered in Parliament yesterday. SPA national president Sandra Kanck says the time is long overdue for the immigration debate to be in the context of an ecologically sustainable …
Base Immigration on Numbers – Not Race or Culture! Read More »
SPA recognises the life of dr mary white
Sustainable Population Australia (SPA) recognises the significant contribution to Australia of its Patron Dr Mary White who died aged 92 in a nursing home in Bundanoon NSW this week. Dr White, a renowned palaeobotanist, had vascular dementia which ultimately left her bed-bound, unable to speak and mentally incapacitated. SPA national president Sandra Kanck …
Melbourne bursts at the seams as Australia population hits 25 million – aerial impressions
The Victorian branch of Sustainable Population Australia (SPA) expresses deep concern that Australia will reach 25 million people by mid August. In anticipation of this milestone, SPA literally took to the sky on the issue by flying a small plane over Melbourne to see first hand whether bigger means better. In an ex-military Cessna Birddog …
Media release – world environment day
Sustainable Population Australia – World Environment Day The world’s population is predicted to climb from 7.5 billion to 11 billion by 2100. Given our impact is already higher than Earth’s carrying capacity, such an increase in human numbers will make it impossible to improve or maintain any environmental objective. Plastic waste reduction is the primary …
World environment day June 05 – sustainable population Australia media release
The world’s population is predicted to climb from 7.5 billion to 11 billion by 2100. Given our impact is already higher than Earth’s carrying capacity, such an increase in human numbers will make it impossible to improve or maintain any environmental objective. Plastic waste reduction is the primary focus of this year’s World Environment Day. …
World Environment Day June 05 – Sustainable Population Australia Media Release Read More »
Media Release: Tony Abbott and Peter Dutton on migration.
Australia has no coherent population plan other than to inundate the major cities with people. Instead of a well though-out population policy, the strategy has been to stoke overall economic growth to support big business. This suits the property industry and retailers but GDP per capita growth is stagnating while ordinary Australians are worse …
Media Release: Tony Abbott and Peter Dutton on migration. Read More »