Media Releases
Humans a major invasive alien species
INTERNATIONAL BIODIVERSITY DAY 22 May 2009. HUMANS A MAJOR INVASIVE ALIEN SPECIES Humans are a major invasive alien species in most ecosystems, according to Sustainable Population Australia (SPA). May 22 is International Biodiversity Day, the theme of which this year is invasive alien species. According to the UN’s Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MEA) Report …
Media release: environment group says drop the skilled migration numbers further
Sustainable Population Australia Environment group, Sustainable Population Australia, looks forward to confirmation of rumours of a planned drop in skilled migration numbers, but says unless the cuts go deeper they will be little more than cosmetic. National President, Sandra Kanck, says that under the Rudd government the skilled migration program has increased to make up …
Media Release: Environment Group Says Drop the Skilled Migration Numbers Further Read More »
Media release: plimer’s views dangerous and distracting
Professor Ian Plimer’s views on the cause of climate change are not only completely wrong but dangerous because they will distract attention from the potentially catastrophic effects of climate change, according to Sustainable Population Australia Inc.(SPA) National president of SPA, Ms Sandra Kanck, says that, in a dangerously overcrowded world, people and other species have …
Media Release: Plimer’s Views Dangerous and Distracting Read More »
End population growth to achieve climate targets
If greenhouse gas emissions are to be cut to levels that the Federal Government has promised under the Kyoto Protocol, that is 60 per cent by 2050, then population numbers must be stabilised and then allowed to fall, according to Sustainable Population Australia Inc (SPA). Speaking on the eve of Earth Day, SPA National President …
End Population Growth to Achieve Climate Targets Read More »
Sandra Kanck new president of environment group
Sustainable Population Australia [email protected] 4th April, 2009 At its AGM this afternoon, former South Australian state MP, Hon. Sandra Kanck, will take on the position of national president of Sustainable Population Australia (SPA). Ms Kanck says she is taking on the position at a time when more people are understanding that most of the …
Adelaide conference to discuss impact of increasing population
Sustainable Population Australia (SPA) will hold its national AGM and a mini-conference in Adelaide tomorrow which will address the issues of population in relation to climate change, peak oil and economics. Incoming national president of SPA, Ms Sandra Kanck, says that Australians are already living unsustainably, and growing our population simply adds to the problems …
Adelaide Conference to Discuss Impact of Increasing Population Read More »
Media release: foreign minister commended on lifting gag rule
Sustainable Population Australia Inc (SPA) warmly congratulates the Foreign Minister, Stephen Smith, on his decision today to lift Australia’s version of the ‘global gag rule’. The gag rule was a guideline that prevented Australian overseas aid money going to any non-government organisation that undertook or even advised on abortion, including in countries where abortion was …
Media Release: Foreign Minister Commended on Lifting Gag Rule Read More »
Media Release – GDP per person falls in every state
‘Most economic commentators assume that changes in GDP are proxy measures for changes in human welfare,’ says Dr Coulter. ‘Accepting for the moment that this is the case, then change in GDP per person, rather than gross GDP, is actually a better measure of welfare. ‘If we look at per capita rather than gross GDP, …
Media Release – GDP per person falls in every state Read More »
SPA supports AMWU push to salvage local jobs from gas fire sale (OCT)
Oct 23, 2003 Sustainable Population Australia supports the “Make it Here or Jobs Disappear” rally. Mr Jock Ferguson , Secretary of the WA branch of the AMWU is quoted in the West Australian 23 October 2003 as saying that the AMWU campaign, “… aims to pressure developers and the Government into using local labour and …
SPA Supports AMWU Push To Salvage Local Jobs From Gas Fire Sale (Oct) Read More »
Give the west papuans refuge (Jan)
The West Papuan asylum seekers who recently arrived by outrigger canoe should be given at least temporary refuge in Australia, according to Sustainable Population Australia inc. (SPA). National President of SPA, Ms Jenny Goldie, says the 43 West Papuans, currently housed on Christmas Island, clearly fit the definition of political refugee under the 1951 Refugee …